Research Grants Held

Total number of grants held as principal investigator:


List of major grants:

1965 - 2014

Continuous support for research on "Perception and Learning of Complex Patterns" Natural Sciences and Engineering Council of Canada (formerly National Research Council) NSERC - A0127.


National Institute of Mental Health (USA). for research on "Perceptual organization of sound in human listeners"


Grant from Province of Quebec, Ministry of Education (FCAR). Principal investigator of a team grant shared with Robert Zatorre and Richard Parncutt. 1994-97.


Infrastructure grant to provide personnel, service contracts and supplies for a computer-based laboratory for NSERC-sponsored researchers in the McGill Psychology Department. Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC-A0703).


Grant to purchase a PDP-11 computer system (with six other researchers) National Research Council of Canada (NRC-E-3221).


Grant to purchase computer equipment for eleven NRC-sponsored researchers in the McGill Psychology Department. National Research Council of Canada (NRC-E-3790)


Killam Research Fellowship, 2 years salary replacement to write a book, Auditory Scene Analysis: The Perceptual Organization of Sound (1990).


Major equipment grant to furnish a computer-based laboratory for research in auditory perception and speech. Natural Sciences and Engineering Council of Canada (E0015).

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