Career - Professional Activities
International Activities
April - May 2004
Taught two master classes and a delivered a public lecture on auditory scene analysis at the Department of Musical Sciences, New University of Lisbon, Portugal.March 2-8, 2003
Taught in Helsinki Winter School in Cognitive Neuroscience, Lammi Biological Station, FinlandSeptember 2000 - July 2001
Supervised Yuko Tagami, Exchange doctoral student from the University of Kyoto, Japan.October - November 1999
Seven weeks of collaborative research with Minoru Tsuzaki of the ATR Human Information Processing Research Laboratories, in Kyoto, Japan and one week with Yoshitaka Nakajima at the Kyushu institute of Design in Fukuoka, Japan. Eight lectures/colloquia at universities and research laboratories in Japan.October 1993
One-week series of graduate seminars at the University of Thessaloniki in Greece on "Auditory Scene Analysis".February 1992
Initiated an electronic mail list called, AUDITORY, on the topic of Auditory Perception. Currently administered by Dr. Dan Ellis of Columbia University, it includes more than 1000 researchers and practitioners in universities, industries, and organizations in over 40 countries.
Current Memberships in Academic Societies
Royal Society of Canada (Fellow)Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour and Cognitive SciencesPsychonomic SocietySociety for Music Perception and Cognition
Service to the Profession
July 2001 - May 2003
Member of the Executive Board, Society for Music Perception and Cognition.July 1992 - August 1996
Member of the Scientific Advisory Council for the XXVI International Congress of Psychology, Montreal, Aug. 16-21, 1996.December 1992 - October 1994
Member of the Program Committee, Signal Processing Sub-Conference, 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, in Jerusalem, Israel. Oct. 1994.1985 - 1988
Member of Sensory/Perceptual Working Group. NRC (USA). Committee on Basic Research in the Behavioral and Social Sciences. (1985). Contributing to the volume, The Behavioral and Social Sciences (1988).Associate Editor for the journal, Music Perception
Occasional reviewer of manuscripts for the following journals
AcusticaCanadian Journal of PsychologyCognitionCognitive, Affective and Behavioral NeuroscienceJournal of the Acoustical Society of AmericaJournal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and PerformanceMusic PerceptionNeuroscienceNeuroscience LettersPerceptionPerception & PsychophysicsPsychological BulletinQuarterly Journal of Experimental PsychologySpeech CommunicationTheory and Psychology
Occasional reviewer of grants for the following agencies
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (Canada)
Ontario Mental Health Foundation (Canada)
National Science Foundation (USA)
Office of Naval Research (USA)
National Institutes of Health (USA)
Air Force Office of Scientific Research (USA)
Member of Grant Selection Committee for Psychology for the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (1979)
Chairman of Program Committee, Lake Ontario Visionary Establishment, (LOVE) conference on human perception & cognition 1973; Member 1973-75
Organizing committee, International Conferences on Pattern Recognition, 1993-94
Scientific Advisory Council, XXVI International Congress of Psychology, 1994-96