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Negative Thinking at Matchpoints - Part I (Jeff Rubens)

Bid one more when uncertain (Hemenway)

Interview with Kit Woolsey - Bridge World Mag

Weak Notrumps lose popularity

Useful Space Principle(opening big hands) (From NABC Daily Bulletin)

Grand slams at IMPS and Matchpoints (Wolff)

Disciplined Approach or Not (Bob Mackinnon)

Matchpoint Strategy (Colchamiro)

Three Fifths of a Loaf - Style Strategy (Larry Cohen)

Matchpoint vs IMPS Penalty Doubles (Boehm)

Stodgy vs Competitive bidding (Stewart-Cohen)

Mike Lawrence Sez don't daisy pick when you can't get a good answer

Best Bridge Books (Bulletin)

Book Suggestion - How to Read Opponents Cards

Comeback Strategies at IMPS

Effective Bidding Habits - Sensible, Go with the Field (Karen Walker)

Focus (Sabine Auken)

Imps Odds (Woolsey)

Opening Bid Requirements (Bulletin)

Rules of 1, 2 3 ...(Hemenway)

Ten Common Bridge Errors and How to Avoid (Smith)

Complicated Bidding Systems Aren't Necessary

Bidding 3NT over 3 of a minor (Bergen)

Daisy Picking (Kelsey)

Danger Hands - Overcalls with three low cards in their suit (Colchamiro)

Don't Be A slave to Your System (Walker)

DONT in Balancing (Colchamiro)

Don't let them push you where you were not willing to go (Bulletin)

Double vs Bid at IMPS (Boehm)

Doubling their games (Kaplan)

Game before Slam (Walker)

Famous IMP Match (Mike Becker & Larry Cohen)

Improving at matchpoints (Kleinman)

Limit Splinter Bids to17HCP (Billy Miller)

Losing Trick Count & 4 Trumps (Kokish)

Make the Bid Partner wants to hear- Part I (Walker)

Make the Bid Partner Wants to Hear- Part II (Walker)

Making a weak  two-bid holding other major (Wolff)

Matchpoint Strategy (Kleinman)

Matchpoint vs IMP Strategy (Boehm)

Modern style effective bidding (Walker)

When to open 1NT with a 5-card major (Jabbour)

Sound overcalls (Thurston)

Over-Doubling (Kelsey)

Practical tips from Billy Miller (Concentration, focus etc.)

Practical Advice on Preempts (Bergen)

Reopening with Doubles & Pushing Them (Lawrence)

Six-Five Come Alive (Walker)

Six-Five Come Alive, PART II (Walker)

Bidding six-five hands (Bulletin, Problem 5)

Swiss team tactics (Carole & Tommy Sanders)

Weak Two-Bid holding the other major (Wolff)

When NOT to Open 1NT (Kleinman)

You overcall-partner raises-when to be optimistic (Lawrence)

Last Revised: 31-Dec-2011