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Eight Ever - Nine Often

Triple (Progressive) Squeeze (Jeremy Flint and Freddy North)

Double Squeeze (Freddy North & Jeremy Flint)

False Carding (Danny Kleinman)

Counting the Hands (nine never) - Sheinwold

Holdup Play Overdone (Sheinwold)

Squeeze Play Complete (Bruce Horne)

Attacking the correct suit in NT play (Reese)

How to Play AQx opposite xxx (Robert Gray)

The Holdup Play (Sheinwold)

Third & Fifth Leads - Rule of 12 and 15 (Wolff)

Timing (Kelsey)

Lovely Dummy Reversal (Bergen)

The Intrafinesse (Jabbour)

Common Safety Play - 1 (Reese-Trezel)

Common Safety Play - 2 (Reese-Trezel)

Common Safety Play - 3 (Reese-Trezel)

Establish Weaker Suit FIRST at NT (Reese-Trezel)

Declarer's Ducking Techniques - Part I(Colchamiro)

As declarer, play card known to be held (Kantar)

Great Avoidance Play (Piettro Forquet)

Intrafinesse (Chagass)

Locating opponents cards (Lawrence)

The value of Spot Cards (Lawrence)

Vienna Coup (Wolff)

Playing an Honor towards and Honor (Cohen)

Establishing Long Suits

Rare Four-suit Squeeze (Bulletin)

An Ingenious Declarer Play (Thurston)

Mishandling Trumps (Kelsey)

Morton's fork coup (Hemenway)

Plan ahead as declarer (Lawrence)

Preparing for a Trump Coup (Bergen)

Vienna Coup (Jabbour)

Last Revised: 31-Dec-2011