Salavati Lab


Institute of Parasitology


McGill University










Log Book





















HyperPolymorphism: hypergeometric-based analysis of polymorphisms in nucleotide sequences




HyperMotif2HyperPolymorphism is a simple tool for comparing sequences obtained from two pooled samples in order to identify single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) and insertion/deletion (indel) alleles that are differentially represented in each pool. HyperPolymorphism does this by assuming a hypergeometric distribution of alleles between the two samples (similar to Fisher’s exact test). The input of HyperPolymorphism consists of two pileup files generated using SAMtools (, each file representing the compact alignment of sequences obtained from one of the pooled samples. The output of HyperPolymorphism is two tab-delimited files, ranking the SNPs and indels based on differential representation of their alleles in the two samples.


HyperPolymorphism is a part of HyperGenometrics which will be released soon. HyperGenometrics will allow analysis of a much wider range of data types, including microarray data and phylogenetic profiles, with the final goal of facilitating functional genomics.


HyperPolymorphism Developers:

Hamed Shateri Najafabadi

Reza Salavati




Reza Salavati’s profile at McGill

Last updated on 5/16/2011 9:00:30 PM