Lace bend of 4 colours

image coming soon


Place 2 white bows on A left & D right.  Place 2 black bows on B left & C right.  Place 2 green bows on C left & B right. Place 2 red bows on D left & A right.

  1. A right change with D left reversed
  2. B right change with C left reversed
  3. C right change with B left reversed
  4. D right change with A left reversed

Tollemache Transcription [65]

a A lace bend of 4 colours tak 8 bowis of 4 colours þat is to wytte 2 of qwyght 2 off blake 2 off greyn & 2 off redde or of oþer colours as it plece ȝow þan xall ȝow set hem on ȝowr hand in þis maner on colour on A lyft a noþer colour on B lyfft a noþer colour on C lyft & a noþer colour on D lyfft & on þe ryght hand in þis maner þe bow þat is felaw to A lyfft þat is to sey ouer þe sam colour xal be sett on D ryght & þe colour þat is felaw to B lyft xal be sett on C ryght & þe colour þat is felaw to C lyft on B ryght & þe colour þat is felaw to D lyft on A ryght þan xale ȝe warke as it is to for seyd on þe lace bene of 8 & cetera