Chevron round of 8
Place 1 bow each of one color on AB right & AB left.
Place 1 bow each of another color on CD right & CD left.
- A right through DCB left take A left unreversed
- Raise left bows
- D left take top A right
- A left through DCB right take A right unreversed
- Raise right bows
- D right take top A left
- D left change with D right reversed
- A left change with A right reversed
- Reverse all bows
Tollemache Transcription [64]
a Also for to mak a noþer cheueron
round þu xalt doo vt supra saue wane þu chan<g>e D lyf<t>e thorow D
[c] ryght þu xalt reuerse D lyfte & in lyke wys wane þu change A lyfte
thorow A ryght & be gyne a geyne
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