Lace bordered of 2 fellows


Lace bordered of two fellows
Left Worker: Prepared 5 departed bows, place colour 1 up on ABC right, and colour 2 up on BC left.
Right worker: Prepared 5 departed bows, place colour 1 up on ABC left, and colour 2 up on BC right

  1. LW: A right through BC right take C left reversed
    RW: A left through BC left take C right reversed
  2. LW: Lower left bows
    RW: Lower right bows
  3. LW: A left through BC left take C right reversed
    RW: A right through BC right take C left reversed
  4. LW: Lower right bows
    RW: Lower left bows
  5. LW: A right through B right from within takes RW A left unreversed from within
    RW: A left take LW A right unreversed from within.

Tollemache Transcription [59]

Lace borderd of ii felaws tak 4 bowis departyd & set on þi felaws handes ii bowis on B C ryght & iii bowis vpon A B C lyf<te> & set v bowis on þi handes in þe sam maner so þat ȝowr next handes acord & þat in hem 1 colour be abovyn & þe sam beneth in owr farþer handes þan work eyþer of ȝow onis with owr next handes & on with owr farþer handes as in þe lace round sythe chong ȝour ouer bowis & lok þat after ȝour chongyng þat þe sam colour be a bovyn þat was at þe begynnyng