Lace for hats
LW: Place one bow on each of ABC left and BC right.
CW: Place one bow on each of ABC left and BC right.
RW: Place one bow on each of ABC left and BC right.
LW: A right through BC right take C left reversed
CW: A right through BC right take C left reversed
RW: A right through BC right take C left reversed
LW: Lower left bows
CW: Lower left bows
RW: Lower left bows
LW: A left through BC left take C right reversed
CW: A left through BC left take C right reversed
RW: A left through BC left take C right reversed
LW: Lower right bows
CW: Lower right bows
RW: Lower right bows
LW: A right through B right from within take CW A left from within unreversed
CW: A right through B right from within take RW A left from within unreversed
RW: A right through B right from within take LW A left from within unreversed
LW: A left take RW B right from within unreversed
CW: A left take LW B right from within unreversed
RW: A left take CW B right from within unreversed
LW: Lower A right
CW: Lower A right
RW: Lower A right
Tollemache Transcription [41]
A lace for hattes of 3 fallaws ta<k> to þe 2 felaws & sett þe on on þi ryght hand & þe oþer on þi lyfte hand þan tak euerych of ȝow 5 bowis & set hem in þe maner of þe lace comyn round & wark al at onys with ȝour ryght handes & onys with ȝour lyfte handes þan xal þi felaw þat syttyd on þi ryght hand chong þe ouer las of his lyfte hand with þe ouer bow on þi ryght hand & þu xall chong þe ouer bow on þi lyfte hand with þe bow of þe oþer felaws ryght hand þat syttyd on þi lyfte hand & þan xall he þat syttyt on þi lyfte syd chang þe ouer bow of hys lyfte hand with þe ouer bow on þe ryght hand of hym þat syttyt on þe ryght syd þen xall þu & þi felaws low ȝour bowis on owr ryght handes & be & cetera
Harley 2320 Transcription [41]
A lace for hattys: Take ij felows, and set on þy ryȝt hond one and on þy lyft hond another. <end of article>
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