Broad lace with cross and eyelet


Left Worker: Place 1 bow each of colour one on ABC right. Place 1 bow each of colour two on BCD left.
Right Worker: Place 1 bow each of colour one on ABC left. Place 1 bow each of colour two on BCD right.

  1. LW: A left take B left reversed upwards
    RW: A right take B right reversed upwards
  2. LW: B left take C left reversed upwards
    RW: B right take C right reversed upwards
  3. LW: C left take D left reversed upwards
    RW: C right take D right reversed upwards
  4. LW: D left take C right reversed from above
    RW: D right take C left reversed from above
  5. LW: C right take B right reversed downwards
    RW: C left take B left reversed downwards
  6. LW: B right take A right reversed downwards
    RW: B left take A left reversed downwards
  7. LW: A right through B C right and D C B left take A left reversed from above
    RW: A left through B C left and D C B right take A right reversed from above
  8. Exchange LW A right with RW A left unreversed
  9. Repeat Steps 1-8 8 more times (until the 3rd time all bows on each hand are the same colour)
  10. LW: A right take B right reversed upwards
    RW: A left take B left reversed upwards
  11. LW: B right take C right reversed upwards
    RW: B left take C left reversed upwards
  12. LW: C right take D right reversed upwards
    RW: C left take D left reversed upwards
  13. LW: D right take C left reversed from above
    RW: D left take C right reversed from above
  14. LW: C left take B left reversed downwards
    RW: C right take B right reversed downwards
  15. LW: B left take A left reversed downwards
    RW: B right take A right reversed downwards
  16. LW: A left through B C left and D C B right take A right reversed from above
    RW: A right through B C right and D C B left take A left reversed from above
  17. Exchange LW A right with RW A left unreversed
  18. Repeat Steps 10-17 8 more times (until the 3rd time all bows on each hand are the same colour)

Tollemache Transcription [36]

A brode lace with a crose & a olyet Tak .12. bowis & set þeȝ on þi handes as in þe lace cheueron & worke boþe as in þe sam lace tyl þe iii tym þat þu seyst þat al þi bowis be of on colour & þan wark boþe with owr next handes as ȝe dyd with owr farþer handes tyl ȝe se þe colour be changyd iii þan xal ȝe boþe work a geyn with ȝour farther handes as ȝe dyd at þe begynyng & lok þat owr next handes a cord in colour & wark & owr farþer handes also and whan þu hast changyd iii with þi felaw al þe bowis of þi hand xalbe of on colour also when þu & þi felaw haþe changyd 14 tymmys þe colour of þi hand xalbe chongyd iii & þan xal ȝe chong þe workyng of ȝour handes as it is wretyn a for

Harley 2320 Transcription [34]

A brode lace wt cros and olyet: <Take> 12 <bowes> and set on þyne hondys and on þy felows hondys as in þe lace cheueron of xij bowes, and wyrke boþe as in þe selue lace, tyl þe iij tyme þt þu se alle þe bowys be of o colour; and þen wyrke boþe wt ȝouur next hondys as ȝe dud with ȝowr fe<r>þer hondys, tyl ȝe se þt þe colour be changed thryes. & en schul ȝe boþe wyrke aȝene wyt ȝouur ferþer hondes as ȝe dud at þe begynnyng; and loke þt ȝouur next hondes acorde yn colour and yn worke, & ȝouur ferþer hondys also. And when þu hast changed iij wt þy felow al þy bowes of þyne hond schulle be of o colouur; also when þu and þy felow haþe changed 9 tymes þe colouur of þyne one honde schal be changed iij & þen schal ȝe chang þe worchyng of ȝouur hond as hyt ys ywryte before.