Lace ounde broad of 16


Haven't attempted this one yet, although not specified, might require RW doing mirror image of LW

Left Worker: Place 1 bow each of colour one on AB right & AB left. Place 1 bow each of colour two on CD right & CD left.
Right Worker: Place 1 bow each of colour one on AB right & AB left. Place 1 bow each of colour two on CD right & CD left.

  1. A right through DCB left take A left unreversed
  2. Raise left bows
  3. D left take top A right unreversed
  4. A left through DCB right take A right unreversed
  5. Raise right bows
  6. D right take top A left unreversed
  7. D right change with D left
  8. Reverse all bows
  9. Exchange LW A right with RW A left unreversed

Tollemache Transcription [33]

Lace ounde brode of .16. sett .8. bowis of on colour vpon A B in þi felawis handes & thyne & .8. bowis of a noþer colour on C D & work boþe as ȝe dyd in þe brod cheueron of 8 & þan xal ȝe chang þe ouer bowis of owr next handes & so be gyn a geyne

Harley 2320 Transcription [36]

A lace ounde brode of 16 bowes: Set 8 bowys of <o> colouur on A, B on ȝouur hondys, and 8 bowes of anoþer colour on C, D on ȝouur hondz and wyrk as in þe cheueron of 8 bowes; and þen schal ȝe chang þe ouer bowes of ȝowr next hondys.