Chevron broad of 8


Place 1 bow each of one color on AB right & AB left. Place 1 bow each of another color on CD right & CD left.
step 1
A right through DCB left take A left unreversed
step 2
Raise left bows
step 3
D left take top A right unreversed
step 4
A left through DCB right take A right unreversed
step 5
Raise right bows
step 6
D right take top A left unreversed
step 7
D right change with D left
step 8
Reverse all bows

Tollemache Transcription [30]

Cheueron brod of viii bowis set 4 of on colour on A B in both handes & 4 of a noþer on C D in both handys þan xal A ryght tak thorow D C B lefte þe bow of A lefte vnreuersyd þan hie þi lyfte bowis & set þe sam bow on D lefte þat was takyn of A lyf<t>e þan xal A lefte tak thorow D C B ryght þe bow A on reuersyd þan hie þi ryght bowis þen set þe sam bow on D þat was takyn of A þan xal D ryght chang hys bo<w> with D lyfte þan xal ȝow reuerse al owr bowis & be gyn & cetera

Harley 2320 Transcription [29]

A brode lace cheueron of 8 bowes: Set 4 bowes of o colour on A, B on boþe hondys, & 4 bowes of anoþer colour on C, D on boþe hondys. Þen schal A ryȝt take þoroȝ D, C, B lyft þe bowe of A lyft vnreuerced. Þen hye þy lyft bowys, and set þe same bowe on D lyft þat was taken of A lyft. Þenne schal A lyft take þorow D, C, B ryȝt þe bowe of A ryȝt vnreuerced. Þen hey þy ryȝt hond bowes, and set þe self bowe on D þt was taken of A. Þen schal D ryȝt change hys bowe wt D lyft. Þen reuerce alle þy bowes and begyn aȝen.