Chevron of 12


LW: Place 1 bow each of colour one on ABC right. Place 1 bow each of colour two on BCD left.

RW: Place 1 bow each of colour one on ABC left. Place 1 bow each of colour two on BCD right..
step 1
LW: A left take B left reversed upwards

RW: A right take B right reversed upwards
step 2
LW: B left take C left reversed upwards

RW: B right take C right reversed upwards
step 3
LW: C left take D left reversed upwards

RW: C right take D right reversed upwards
step 4
LW: D left take C right reversed from above

RW: D right take C left reversed from above
step 5
LW: C right take B right reversed downwards

RW: C left take B left reversed downwards
step 6
LW: B right take A right reversed downwards

RW: B left take A left reversed downwards
step 7
LW: A right through B C right and D C B left take A left reversed from above

RW: A left through B C left and D C B right take A right reversed from above
step 8
Exchange LW A right with RW A left unreversed

Tollemache Transcription [29]

Cheueron of .12. set 3 bowis of 1 colour on A B C ryght & oþer 3 of þe sam colour on þi felaws lefte hand þe resydew on þi lyfte hand with þi felaws ryght hand þan xal þi A lyfte tak þe bow B of þe sam hand reuersyd so þat þe syd þat was betwyn A & B be for þe takyng dwell styll & þe syd þat was beneth B befor þe takyng be a boue on A after þe takyng þan xal B in þe sa<m> maner tak C & C D þan xal D lefte tak þe ouersyd of C ryght reuersyd so þat þe syd þat was be twyn C & B ryght be for þe takyn be vnder D left after þe takyn þan xal C ryght tak þe bow of B on þe sam hand reuersyd so þe syd þat was a bovyn on B be beneth on C in þe sam maner schal B tak þe bow of A reuersid & lok alwey wan þu reuerse þi bowis þat eyþer hand help oþer than xal A ryght go þorow B C of þe sam hand & D C B of þe lyfte hand be þe endes of þe fyngers & tak þe ouer syd of A lyfte reuersyd & whan þis ys in warkyng þi felow þat syttyt on þi ryght hand xal wark with hys ryght hand as þu dydyst with þi lyfte & with hys lyf<t>e hand as þu dedyst with þi ryght hand & when ȝe haue both done in þis maner ȝe schal chang ȝowr ouer bowis of ow<r> next handes & so be gyn a geyne

Harley 2320 Transcription [28]

A las cheueron of 12 bowes: Set 3 bowys of o colour on A, B, C on þy ryȝt hond, and oþer 3 bowes of þe self colour on þy felowys lyft hond, & 3 bowes of anoþer colour on B, C, D on þy lyft hond, and 3 bowes of þe same colour on þy felows ryȝt hond. Þen schal þow take wyth A on þy lyft hond B of þe same hond reuerced, so þat þe syde þat was bytwene A & B <be>fore þe takyng dewelle stylle. And þe syde þt was beneþe <on> B <be>fore þe takyng be aboue on A after þe takyng. Þen schal B in same manere take þe bow of C, and C of D; schal D lyft take þe ouer syde of C ryȝt reuerced, so þat þe syde þt was betwene C and B ryȝt afore þe takyng be byneþe D lyft aftur þe takyng. Þen schal C ryth take þe bowe of B lyft reuerced, so þt þe syde þt was aboue on B be byneþe on C. In þe same maner schal B take þe bowe of A reuerced. And loke alway when þu schalt reuerce þy bowes þt eyþer hond help oþer. Þen schal A ryȝt go þorow B, C of þe same hond and enter B, C, D of þe lyft hond by þe ende of þy fyngrys and take þe ouer syde of A lyfte reuerced. And when þys ys in wyrkyng þy felow, þt syttyþ on þy ryȝt hond, schal wyrk wt hys ryȝt hond as þu dudyst wt þy lyft hond and wt hys lyft hond as þu dudyst wt þy ryȝt hond. And when ȝe haue boþe ydone in þys maner ȝe schal change ȝowr ouer bowes of ȝowre next hondes.