Tollemache seems to only work if the fellow is on the left instead of the right. Directions given are from Harley.
Bend of .15. bowis tak þe bowis of 2 colours & set þe on colour of þi handes & þe oþer of þi felaws handes þan xal A of þi ryght hand go ouer þi lyfte hand & tak þe bowe D of his lyfte hand thorow hys bow reuersyd & in þe sam maner þi bow B ryght xal tak his bow C lyfte & þi C ryght his B lefte & þi D ryght his A lefte þan xal A of þi lyfte hand tak þe bow D of þi felaws ryght hand bakward thorow his bow reuerse<id> & in þe sam maner þi B lyfte xal tak hys D ryght & þi C lefte hys B [r] ryght & þi D lyfte his A ryght & begyn & cetera
A las bend in hys bowys: Take 8 bowes of o colour & set on þyn hondys ans take 8 bowes of anoþer colour and set on þy felowys hondes. Þen schal A left go ouer þi ryȝt hond and under þy felowys left hond, and tak þe bowe D of hs ryȝt hond reuerced þorow hys bowe; and yn þe same maner þy bowe B lyft schal tak hys bowe C ryȝth, and þy C lyft hys B ryȝt, & þy D lyft his A ryȝt. Þen schal A of þy ryȝt hond take backeward of þy felows hond þe bow D lyft þorow hys bowe reuerced, and yn þe same manere þy B ryȝt schal take hys C lyft & þy C ryȝt hys B lyft, and þy D ryȝt his A lyft.
© Copyright 2009 Joanna Hobbins