Broad lace of 5 bows


Place 1 bow on each of ABC left and BC of right

  1. A right through B right take C left reversed
  2. Lower left bows
  3. A left through B left take C right reversed
  4. Lower right bows

Tollemache Transcription [2]

A brod lace of 5 bowys Sett ii bowys on B C ryght & 3 bowis on A B C lyfte & þan xale a ryght take thorow þe bow B of þe same hand þe bow C on þe lyfte hand reuersyd þen low þi bowis on þe lyfte hand & þen xal A lyfte tak thowrow þe bow B on þe sam hand þe bow C on þe ryght hand reuersyd þen low þi bowys & be geyn & so contynew tyl þi worke suffisythe

Harley 2320 Transcription [1]

For to make a brode lace of v bowes: Set ij bowes on B and C ryȝth, and iij bowys on A, B, C lyfte. Þen schal A ryȝth take þorow þe bowe B of þe same hond þe bowe C of þe lyft hond reuersyd. Þen lowe þy lyft bowes. Þen schal A lyfte take þorowout B of þe same hond þe bowe C of þe ryȝth hond reuerced. Þen lowe þy ryȝth bowes, and begynne aȝen.