Lace cowe de race


Set 7 departed bows on ABCD left and BCD right with the same colour up on all bows.   Fix the end to a swivel.
step 1
A right through B right from within outwards and under all other bows to take A left reversed
step 2
Raise left bows
step 3
D left take D right unreversed
step 4
Lower right bows

Tollemache Transcription [16]

Lace cowe de race Departe 7ne bowis of 2 colours & set bowis on A B C D lefte & 3 bowis on B C D ryght & þan xall A ryght entur in to B of þe sam hand fro with yne ovtward & vnder al þe bowis of boþe handes tak þe ouer syd of A lyfte reuersyd & þan xal þu hye þi lefte bowis & D lyfte xal tak þe bow of [de]D ryght vnreuersyd þen low þi ryght bowis & be gyn a geyn & whe<n> þu xalt mak þis lace knyt þe end of þe lace to a torett þat it may torn a bowght

Harley 2320 Transcription [10]

FOR to make a lace condrak departyd: <Take> vij bowys of ij colours, and do iiij on A, B, C, D lefte ryȝth <…> And þen schal A ryȝth enter into B of þe self hand fro wytin outward, and vnder al þe bowys of boþe hond take þe ouer syde of A lyft reuerced. And þenne þu schalt hye þy lyft bowys, & D lyfte schal take þe bowe <…> þy ryȝt bowys, and begynne aȝen. And when þu schalt make þys lace look þu knytte þe ende of þe lace to a turne þt it may turne abowte.