Lace compound covert

[Image coming soon]


Left Worker: Prepared 5 departed bows, place colour 1 up on ABC left, and on BC right.
Right worker: Prepared 5 departed bows, place colour 1 up on ABC right, and on BC left.

  1. LW: A right through BC right take C left unreversed
    RW: A left through BC left take C right unreversed
  2. LW: Lower left bows
    RW: Lower right bows
  3. LW: A left through BC left take C right unreversed
    RW: A right through BC right take C left unreversed
  4. LW: Lower right bows
    RW: Lower left bows
  5. LW: A right through B right from within take RW A left from within unreversed
    RW: ---
  6. LW: ---
    RW: A left take LW B right from within unreversed
  7. LW: Lower A right
    RW:  ---
  8. LW: Reverse A left clockwise
    RW: Reverse A right clockwise
  9. Exchange LW A left with RW A right unreversed
  10. LW: Reverse A left counterclockwise
    RW: Reverse A right counterclockwise
  11. Repeat 1-10 until you have worked an inch
  12. Reverse all bows
  13. Repeat 1-10 until you have worked another inch
  14. Reverse all bows

Tollemache Transcription [15]

Lace compound couerte Take 10 bowis & set hem in owr handes & work in þe sam maner as ȝe ded in þe lace couerte & when ȝe haue wroght so mykyll as ȝe wyl þan torne al ȝowr bowis & work so mykyll farderforth as ȝe dyd be fore

Harley 2320 Transcription [17]

FOR to make a lace compon couerte: Take a felow, and wyrk as ȝe dud in þe lace couerte; & when ȝe haue wroȝth as myche as ȝe wylle, torne al ȝowr bowys, and work as mych as ȝe dud beforehond.