Left Worker: Prepared 5 departed bows, place colour 1 up on ABC left, and on BC right.
Right worker: Prepared 5 departed bows, place colour 1 up on ABC right, and on BC left.
Knot a lace the thickness of 5 bows into the working bows, and keep it between the workers.
Lace doble couerte Tak a lace of þe grettnes of half þi bowis & set 10 bowis on owr handes as be for in þe lace couerte & þe on end of þe lace xal be knyth with þe bowis & þe oþer end be twyn þe & þi felaw & þen xal ȝe wark in þe maner of þe lace couerte & whan ȝe shal chang ȝowr handes next ȝe schal chang be nethe [ȝour] þe lace & ȝow<r> farder handes a bowe þe lace & if þe lace þat is be twyn þe & þi felaw be of on colowr þi bowis departid þen xal þu haue 3 laces euerych on with in oþer & al 3 schal be of diuerse colours & euerych on may be drawyn owt of oþer be resone
FOR to make a lace couerte doble: Tak a lace of þe gretnys of halfe þy bowys, and set x bowes on ȝowre hondes as ȝe dud before in þe lace couerte; & þt one ende of þe lace schal be knyt wyth þe bowys, and þat oþer ende bytwene þe and þy felow. And þen schal ȝe wyrke in þe maner of þe lace couert; and ȝe schal change ȝowre next hondes beneþe þe lace and ȝowre ferþer hondes aboue. And þen schalt þu haue iij laces eche wythyn oþere, and eche may be draw out of other.
© Copyright 2009 Joanna Hobbins