Left Worker: Prepared 5 departed bows, place colour 1 up on ABC left, and on BC right.
Right worker: Prepared 5 departed bows, place colour 1 up on ABC right, and on BC left.
Lace couerte take 4 bowis departid & set on owr handes in þe maner of þe thyke lace bordyd saue in þis lace þe colour xalbe a bovyn & þe oþer be nethe & work onis with ȝour ryght hand & onis with owr lyfte hand in þe maner of þe open lace of 5 bowis þan chang þe ouer bowis of owr nerhand in þe maner of þe thyne lace bordryd sythen reuerse þi bow of a lyfte downward so þat þe colowr þat was be nethe be a bowe & þi felaw in þe wyse xalle reuerse hys bow of A ryght þan xal ȝe chang ȝour ouer bowis of owr farder handys so þat eyther of ȝow tak oþer bowis vnreuersyd þan reuerse þi bow of A lyfte vpward so þat þe colour be a bovyn þat was a bovyn at þe begynning & þi [fe] felaw xal do in lyke maner with hys farder hand þan xal ȝe be gyn a geyn as ȝe ded befor and whane þat ȝe schal be gyn a geyn loke þat þe colour be a bovyn þat was a bovyn at þe begynnyng þan þou xalt haue a lace of on colour with in & a lace of a noþer colour with owt and þan on may be drovyn ryght well owt of þe oþer
FOR to make a lace couert: Take x bowis departed, and set on ȝowr handes in þe maner of þe þykke lace bordred, saue in þys lace þe o colour schal be aboue & þe oþer beneþen; and wyrke ones wyþ ȝowrw ryȝt hondes & ones wyth ȝowre lyft hondes yn þe maner of an open lace of v bowes. Þen change ȝe þe ouer bowes of ȝowre next hondes in þe maner of þe þyn lace bordred. Þenne reuerce þy bowe of A lyft donward so þat þe colour þat was beneþen be abouen; and þy felow yn þe same maner schal reuerce hys bow of A ryȝt. Þan schal ȝe chang þe ouer bowes of ȝour ferþer hondes so þt eyþer of ȝow take other bowys vnreuerced. Þen reuers þy bowe of A lyft vpward so þat þe colour þt was above be above; & þy felow schal wyrke in þe same maner wt hys forþer hond. Þen schal ȝe begynne as ȝe dud before and when ȝe begynne aȝen loke þt þe colour þt was aboue at begynnyng be aboue þen. And þen schalt þu haue a lace of o colour wtin and anoþer of anoþer colour wtoute.
© Copyright 2009 Joanna Hobbins