Special Characters in Your HTML Documents

The following is the table of special characters that you can put in your document followed by the way you encode it. Each character is entered in the form:
Note the ampersand (&) and the beginning and the semicolin (;) at the end. The XXXX is case sensitive - so be careful to copy it exactly from the table below.

Special Characters

& &
< &lt;
less than
> &gt;
greater than
" &quot;
double quote

Language Specific Characters

Æ &AElig;
capital AE diphthong (ligature)
Á &Aacute;
capital A, acute accent
capital A, circumflex accent
À &Agrave;
capital A, grave accent
Å &Aring;
capital A, ring
à &Atilde;
capital A, tilde
Ä &Auml;
capital A, dieresis or umlaut mark
Ç &Ccedil;
capital C, cedilla
capital Eth, Icelandic
É &Eacute;
capital E, acute accent
Ê &Ecirc;
capital E, circumflex accent
È &Egrave;
capital E, grave accent
Ë &Euml;
capital E, dieresis or umlaut mark
Í &Iacute;
capital I, acute accent
Î &Icirc;
capital I, circumflex accent
Ì &Igrave;
capital I, grave accent
Ï &Iuml;
capital I, dieresis or umlaut mark
Ñ &Ntilde;
capital N, tilde
Ó &Oacute;
capital O, acute accent
Ô &Ocirc;
capital O, circumflex accent
Ò &Ograve;
capital O, grave accent
Ø &Oslash;
capital O, slash
Õ &Otilde;
capital O, tilde
Ö &Ouml;
capital O, dieresis or umlaut mark
capital THORN, Icelandic
Ú &Uacute;
capital U, acute accent
Û &Ucirc;
capital U, circumflex accent
Ù &Ugrave;
capital U, grave accent
Ü &Uuml;
capital U, dieresis or umlaut mark
Ý &Yacute;
capital Y, acute accent
á &aacute;
small a, acute accent
â &acirc;
small a, circumflex accent
æ &aelig;
small ae diphthong (ligature)
à &agrave;
small a, grave accent
å &aring;
small a, ring
ã &atilde;
small a, tilde
ä &auml;
small a, dieresis or umlaut mark
ç &ccedil;
small c, cedilla
é &eacute;
small e, acute accent
ê &ecirc;
small e, circumflex accent
è &egrave;
small e, grave accent
ð &eth;
small eth, Icelandic
ë &euml;
small e, dieresis or umlaut mark
í &iacute;
small i, acute accent
î &icirc;
small i, circumflex accent
ì &igrave;
small i, grave accent
ï &iuml;
small i, dieresis or umlaut mark
ñ &ntilde;
small n, tilde
ó &oacute;
small o, acute accent
ô &ocirc;
small o, circumflex accent
ò &ograve;
small o, grave accent
ø &oslash;
small o, slash
õ &otilde;
small o, tilde
ö &ouml;
small o, dieresis or umlaut mark
ß &szlig;
small sharp s, German (sz ligature)
þ &thorn;
small thorn, Icelandic
ú &uacute;
small u, acute accent
û &ucirc;
small u, circumflex accent
ù &ugrave;
small u, grave accent
ü &uuml;
small u, dieresis or umlaut mark
ý &yacute;
small y, acute accent
ÿ &yuml;
small y, dieresis or umlaut mark

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