Lace bordered on one side

[image coming soon]


Left worker: Place one bow on each of ABC left and BC right.
Right worker: Place one bow on each of AB left and B right.

  1. LW: A right through BC right take C left unreversed
    RW: A right through B right take B left reversed
  2. LW: Lower left bows
    RW: Lower left bow
  3. LW: A left through BC left take C right reversed down
    RW: A left through B left take B right reversed
  4. LW: Lower right bows
    RW: Lower right bow
  5. LW: A right through B right from within take RW A left from within unreversed
    RW: ---
  6. LW: ---
    RW: A left take LW B right from within unreversed
  7. LW: Lower A right
    RW: ---
  8. Repeat 5-7

Tollemache Transcription [9]

A lace bordred þe on syd Sett 5 bowis on þi handys & 3 bowis [of] on þi felowis handys & work & chang as ȝe ded in þe þin lace bordred to for saue in þis lace þi felow xall take þe bowis of boþe hys handys reuersyd

Harley 2320 Transcription [8]

FOR to make a lace bordred yn o syde: Set v bowys on þyn honde and iij bowys on þy ffelowys hond, and wyrke and change as ȝe dudyn yn þe þyn lace bordred tofore, saue yn þs lace þy felow schal take þe bowys of boþe his hond reuercyd