Lace baston


Prepared 5 departed bows, place colour 1 up on ABC left, and colour 2 up on BC right

  1. A right through BC right take C left reversed
  2. Lower left bows
  3. A left through BC left take C right reversed
  4. Lower right bows

Tollemache Transcription [6]

A lace Bastonne Take 5 bowis departid þat is for to sey þat þe syd of euerych bow be of on colowr & þe oþer syd be of a noder colour & sett þeȝ on þi hand as in þe rownd lace so þat þe colowr þat is a bovyn on þe ryght hand be benethe on þe lyfte hand & þen wark aftur þe maner of þe rownd lace

Harley 2320 Transcription [4]

FOR to make a lace baston: Tak v bowes departed, þt ys for to sey þat o syde of euerych-a bowe be of o colour and þe oþer syde of anoþer colour. Set hem on þyn hond as þow dedyst on þe round lace, so þt þe colour þat ys abouen on þe ryȝt hond be byneþe on þy lyft hond, and þen werch in þe manner of þe round lace.