Chevron round of 16


Left Worker: Place 1 bow each of colour one on A B right & C D left. Place 1 bow each of colour two on A B left & C D right.
Right Worker: Place 1 bow each of colour one on A B left & C D right. Place 1 bow each of colour two on A B right & C D left.

  1. LW: A right through B C D right & D C B left take A left unreversed
    RW: A left through B C D left & D C B right take A right unreversed
  2. LW: Raise left bows
    RW: Raise right bows
  3. LW: D left take D right unreversed
    RW: D right take D left unreversed
  4. LW: Lower right bows (bottom A right to B?)
    RW: Lower left bows
  5. Exchange LW A right with RW A left unreversed
  6. Exchange LW A left with RW A right unreversed
  7. LW: Reverse all bows
    RW: Reverse all bows

Harley 2320 Transcription [32]

A cheueron round of 16 bowes: Wyrke as ȝe dud yn þe chyueron brode of 16 bowes; and when ȝe haue ychanged þe bowes of ȝouur next hondys þen schal ȝe change ȝouur bowes of ȝouur ferþer hondys. Þen reuerce al þe bowes.