Thick lace bordered

[image coming soon]


Left Worker: Prepared 5 departed bows, place colour 1 up on ABC left,  and colour 2 up on BC right.
Right worker: Prepared 5 departed bows, place colour 1 up on ABC right, and colour 2 up on BC left

  1. LW: A right through BC right take C left reversed
    RW: A left through BC left take C right reversed
  2. LW: Lower left bows
    RW: Lower right bows
  3. LW: A left through BC left take C right reversed
    RW: A right through BC right take C left reversed
  4. LW: Lower right bows
    RW: Lower left bows
  5. LW: A right through B right from within take RW B left from within unreversed
    RW: ---
  6. LW: ---
    RW: B left take LW B right from within unreversed
  7. LW: Lower A right
    RW: ---
visual directions

Tollemache Transcription [10]

A thyke lace bordred Tak 10 bowis departyd & set on þi handes & on þi felows handys in þe maner of þe baston so þat ȝowr handes next acordyng þeȝ work eny with ȝowr next hondes & onys with owr farder handes in þe maner of þe rownd lace of 5 bowis þeȝ xal ȝe chang þe ouer bowis of ȝowr next hand so þat þe colour þat was fyrst a bovyn be alwey a bovyn

Harley 2320 Transcription [9]

FOR to make a þykke lace bordred: Take x bowys departed, and set on þyn hond and on þy felowys hond in þe maner of a baston, so þat ȝowre es next hond acorde and eke ȝowre forþer hond. And þenne wyrke onys wyth ȝowre next hond and aftur wyth ȝowre ferþer hond yn þe maner of þe rounde lace of v bowys. Þen schal ȝe change þe ouer bowys of ȝoure next hond so þat þe colour þat was furst aboue be alway aboue.